Our Team

Don Tanaka

VP of Clinical Research

Don Tanaka has more than 25 years of experience developing medical devices.  His background of companies include Broncus, Nitinol Devices and Components, Johnson & Johnson, Portaero, Auris Health, Eolo Medical, an entrepreneur-in-residence, and medical device consulting.  He has held a number of positions in these companies including President/Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer/Founder, Chief Technology Officer, Vice President of Research, Principal Engineer, Director of Marketing, Director of Clinical Engineering and Director of Product Portfolio. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from California Polytechnic University in San Luis Obispo.

Shashank Raina

VP of R&D

Shashank has 15 years of experience in conceptualizing, designing, testing, and commercializing medical devices. He has taken products to commercialization at large multinationals and small startups, and he leads all engineering and research activities at Zidan.